Great ideas are still — and always will be — king, and we're in the ideas business.
December 10, 2012
NEW YORK — In 2008, when Amanda Amalfi got her first shot at Flame during an unpaid internship at Headlight, she asked her fellow artists if her new skillset would keep her in the studio past midnight ...
December 7, 2012
Opportunities include standing out, taking creative chances, and going back to basics.
During periods of great change, even the mightiest can fall.
Clients are looking for cheaper ways to get high-quality work.
Not unlike the rest of the business world, our industry locally, nationally and internationally has suffered from a depressed marketplace the last few years.
Reinvention is one of the engines that drives our industry, but not when it's detrimental to a long-term sonic identity.
NEW YORK — It was a SunnyD commercial back in 2000 that would set the wheels in motion for Jason Menkes and Ravi Krishnaswami to join forces and form Copilot Strategic Music + Sound (http://Copilot.Co ...
December 3, 2012
NEW YORK — As it did to countless thousands of businesses in New York City and along the East Coast, Superstorm Sandy exacted a toll on Technicolor – PostWorks New York ( and P ...
November 29, 2012
Since their 2006 and 2008 acquisitions of Maya and Softimage, Autodesk has been in a unique position to link and hybridize the fragmented ecosystem of 3D digital content creation software.
November 9, 2012