TORONTO - Editor Barry McMann has joined the roster of Stealing Time Editing ( McMann began his editorial career at Third Floor Editing, where he worked for 11 years, cutting spo ...
November 1, 2005
RALEIGH, NC - Nonlinear editing software manufacturer XM|Edit ( launches this week with the introduction of its new Traffic product at the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group Meeting.
September 26, 2005
ALBANY, NY - Back in 1999, the Walters Storyk Design Group created two video editing suites for Working Pictures (, an independent, Avid-based post studio then located in Alban ...
July 28, 2005
April 19 - LAS VEGAS - Marlboro, MA's Media 100 (, a unit of Optibase Ltd., has introduced Media 100 sw, a software-only version of the company's Media 100 HD editing system.
April 19, 2005
February 28 - HOLLYWOOD, CA - "The Aviator" was recognized with five Oscars last night, including the one for "Best Editing."
February 28, 2005