NEW YORK — Are we running into more director-editors today? If so, remember you heard it here first. Mark Richardson, the founder of New York-based Lumina Films, is just such a hyphenate.
August 11, 2006
…everywhere a studio, studio. Ok, yes, I have young children and there is constantly a nursery rhyme or Barney song playing in my head, but by dumb luck this one happens to be appropriate. Usually, we ...
Pumping the all-digital Crank through DigitalFilm Tree's pipeline.
This traditionalist director prefers film to high def.
This director of such films as T he Insider, Ali and Collateral believes "HD's the future."
A high-performance editor that handles virtually all mediatypes...and it's fast!
SIGGRAPH, the annual conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques, took place in Boston earlier this month, marking the show’s first trip to the northeast in more than a decade. Post-sh ...
LONDON — Blockbusting fantasy, comedy, action and adventure, they are all given equal treatment at motion picture, digital imaging and special effects facility Cinesite Europe (, a ...