May 25, 2005


LOS ANGELES - Mendelsohn|Zien's latest spot for client Carl's Jr. is without a doubt their most controversial to date. The :30 "Paris" spot has been dubbed too sexy for TV and centers around the hotel heiress, who works a hose and a hamburger like only she can. The spot promotes Carl's Jr.'s Spicy BBQ Six Dollar Burger and features the swimsuit-clad Hilton washing a black Bentley and later enjoying the large burger.

Partizan in Los Angeles produced the spot with Chris Applebaum directing, John Hardin producing and Sheila Stepanek serving as executive producer. Editor Nabil Mechi of Santa Monica's Murex Films cut the :30 version. A longer :60 version appears on the Carl's Jr. Web site, along with behind-the-scenes footage of Paris.

Patrick Poulatian of Brickyard VFX in Santa Monica provided image clean up for the commercial using image Autodesk's Discreet Flame system. Hum in Santa Monica created the music and Chris Winston of Santa Monica's On Music & Sound handled the final mix.