Mixer/sound designer Hillary Kew Martell joins Sound Goods
October 22, 2024

Mixer/sound designer Hillary Kew Martell joins Sound Goods

NEW YORK CITY - Senior mixer/sound designer Hillary Kew Martell has returned to the audio post field for work with brands and advertisers, having recently joined the roster at Sound Goods (www.soundgoods.tv). The appointment reunites Kew Martell with Sound Goods partner Weston Fonger, as the two worked together earlier at AudioEngine in New York. 

Kew Martell’s career also includes stints at Nutmeg Post and Photomag. Her advertising showreel features audio mixing and sound design for brands that include Nike, Mercedes Benz, Discover Card, Budweiser and Dunkin. Her work for Coca-Cola includes the mix and sound design for its Happiness Factory, which aired during the Super Bowl.
“I’ve always admired Hillary, ever since I was her assistant at AudioEngine,” says Fonger. “She was a powerhouse, working on top-tier projects for major brands in a beautifully-designed Walters-Storyk studio – exactly what I envisioned for my own career at that time. Watching how she ran the room, and how clients respected her insights, taught me so much about the process. We share a love for the craft and a commitment to helping clients realize their visions while enjoying the process along the way.”
Kew Martell’s signing with Sound Goods marks her return to audio post after a multi-year hiatus, during which time she relocated to Baltimore and focused on raising her children. She will continue to be based in Baltimore, where she’s built a thriving career working with her alma mater, Johns Hopkins University and its Carey School of Business.
“When Weston and I were able to reconnect, and I heard about what he and (partner/EP) Angelina (Powers) were doing with Sound Goods, it seemed like the perfect fit,” Kew Martell says. “I have proven experience and skills honed during my time at AudioEngine, and I stepped back to focus on my family, which was very important to me. Now that I’m ready to jump back in, Weston and Angelina have the perfect platform for me to reconnect via Sound Goods. And as far as working with Weston is concerned, I’m happy to be able to do so with someone I consider a friend first and a co-worker second.”