Careers: Camp Lucky editor Marc Stone
August 29, 2024

Careers: Camp Lucky editor Marc Stone

Marc Stone is an award-winning editor with Camp Lucky ( in Dallas, TX. His is known for finding the emotion in each edit, connecting with audiences in docu-style and comedic fiction genres. Some of his collaborations include campaigns for Corona, The Home Depot, Jeep, Nissan, Ram and The Salvation Army. Here, he shares some insight into his career path, work and inspirations.
Hi Marc! Did you formally study film or editing?
“I studied film and editing at the University of Texas in Austin.  I was originally a Journalism major, but changed my major to the radio-television-film department to explore recording bands, shooting and editing film, and TV production.”

Photo: Bosch "Bear"

When did you first think about becoming an editor?
“I remember taking my first true editing class at the University of Texas. We were working on splicing film, as well as ¾-inch to ¾-inch tape editing. I was fascinated (with) how each frame can determine how something can feel, and every shot choice can affect how a story unfolds. It became something I really enjoyed exploring, and many of the other students in my class would ask me to help with editing their projects.”
How long have you been with Camp Lucky, and how did you connect?
“I have now been with Camp Lucky for over eight years. I got connected with the company when I met Tammie Kleinmann. From the moment I spoke with her and others on the staff at Camp Lucky, I knew the place was special. It felt like an amazing family from the very beginning, and that same feeling still permeates to this day.”

Photo: Toyota "Orientation Day"

Can you talk about how editing has changed during your career?

“I’m not sure if my perspective has changed, but the industry most definitely has. Direct-to-client and changing landscapes with social media have brought about all kinds of new and exciting challenges to help get brands the exposure they need. My perspective though has always been to help all my clients achieve their goals. From helping out on execution or solving problems to tell the perfect story, I love being a part of the creative process. Working for a company that incorporates so many different aspects of the process - production, offline, online, graphics, audio, etc. - really makes everything even smoother.”

Photo: Dodge Ram TRX

Where do you find creative inspiration?
“I truly find my creative inspiration from being around other creatives and sharing ideas. Sometimes reading a script will spark a multitude of ideas and thoughts. Sometimes seeing a still frame from a piece of art, or hearing a music track, will create a mood that drives an idea forward. There is a beautiful balance between the visual and audial, and when it meshes perfectly, it can be magical.”
Do you have a favorite kind of project or collaboration?
“Each project has its own unique treatment, and I love playing in so many sandboxes. I’ve been blessed to work on some many great ideas from great creatives. From the playfulness of comedy, to the beauty and art that comes from inspiring pieces of artistry, it all resonates somewhere within me. A piece never feels completed until the experience feels right.”

Photo: Jeep "Beautiful Lands"

What advice would you give to those just starting out?
“I would say to trust your instincts. Every creative is bringing their own thoughts and feelings to the project, and you are another channel to help develop that vision. Explore those possibilities, give them options and trust yourself. I think that advice is pretty universal to creativity, but sometimes it takes time and understanding to know to trust yourself.”
What else do you enjoy?
“I wish people knew how much I enjoy the creative process, and that doesn’t mean just at work. From playing guitar, to travel, to coming up with projects around the house, I really enjoy the playfulness of exploring and creating.”