Alt_Mix to share space with MassiveMusic in NYC
September 18, 2023

Alt_Mix to share space with MassiveMusic in NYC

NEW YORK CITY — Alt_Mix (, the boutique audio post and sound design studio launched by Cory Melious last year, is moving to the Union Square neighborhood of Manhattan. Alt_Mix is setting up shop in MassiveMusic, a global music composition studio with headquarters in Europe. The move reflects a steady uptick in assignments since Melious launched Alt_Mix in late 2022. The studio has worked on projects for a range of clients, including YouTube, HBO, Avis, Meta, MLB, Verizon, Dell and WhatsApp.

Melious reached out to MassiveMusic’s executive creative director Eric David Johnson to get the arrangement going. 

“We were chatting about the state of the music and sound industry, and I mentioned I was looking for a dedicated space in New York to handle Alt_Mix projects,” Melious recalls. “They happened to have a mixing suite that was underutilized, and so it just made sense.”
Johnson, formerly the head of music at McCann New York, says having Alt_Mix work out of the MassiveMusic space is a win-win for both companies. 

“I’ve known Cory for years, and have always admired his work ethic and dedication to his craft,” says Johnson. “I’ve watched him build Alt_Mix into an exciting new resource for producers, and knew he’d feel right at home here. We’re thrilled to have him, and we value the creative energy he’ll bring to our office.”
Alt_Mix is still primarily a remote operation, as it’s been since its launch.

“But,” Melious explains, “it’s always beneficial to collaborate in-person when the project deems it necessary. Even though we’re still able to provide superior sound design and mix remotely for the vast majority of our clients, it’s great to have an option for in-person work for those larger or more complex projects. Plus, the benefits of our having a small footprint outweighs the fee structure at the big audio shops. We’re able to keep our costs down and pass those savings along to our clients.”
Melious is outfitting the studio with an array of gear and software, including a large assortment of plug-ins from the likes of Fabfilter, Waves, Izotope, Sound Toys, Indoor, Slapper and Source Connect. The suite will feature Adams and Genelec monitors, and Sennheiser and Neumann mics.