NAB hosting Cloud Innovation Conference
April 12, 2016

NAB hosting Cloud Innovation Conference

LAS VEGAS — Top technologists in the media and entertainment industry will reflect on the industry’s rapid migration to the cloud at this year’s NAB show in Las Vegas. The Cloud Innovation Conference (CIC) will cover the current status and future direction of the media cloud, providing broadcast, cinema, technology, hardware, software and application developers, and content creation professionals with essential knowledge.

Day One (Tuesday, April 19th) will include presentations by the CEO of Avid, CTO of Sony, CEO of Elemental, EVP of Fox, and VP of infrastructure at Google. A “Women in Tech” panel will also take place. Day Two (Wednesday, April 20th) will include talks on how Deadpool used the cloud for rendering. Details on major ABC shows leveraging of the cloud will also be discussed.

In related news The Entertainment Technology Center @ USC hosted its second annual ‘vNAB’ conference on March 2nd and 3rd at the Venice, CA, offices of Google. The two-day extension of the April NAB Cloud Innovation Conference focused on cloud-related topics designed to keep senior leaders up to date on an ever-changing world. All videos are now available at