Editors' Lounge to kick off summer with open house
June 14, 2016

Editors' Lounge to kick off summer with open house

BURBANK, CA — The Editors’ Lounge will host a summer kick-off celebration on Friday, June 24th, with an open house at AlphaDogs Post Production in Burbank. Attendees will get the opportunity to ask the staff questions about post production, and take a tour of the facility while mingling and chatting with peers. The celebration will be held at 1612 W. Olive Ave., #200, Burbank, beginning at 6:30pm. The event (www.editorslounge.com) is free, though guests are encouraged to bring their favorite beverage. Food will be provided, compliments of the Editors’ Lounge.
“We provide an informal and fun environment where people can feel comfortable to share creative ideas, learn about new technologies, and have their questions answered objectively,” says AlphaDogs president Terence Curren, who found the event more than a dozen years ago. “Whether you are an editor, filmmaker or producer, it’s important to understand the post production process and tools that are available, no matter what capacity you work in when it comes to theatrical, television and online media.”
The Editors’ Lounge brings in leading experts in the field of post production on a monthly basis to introduce new technology in a casual setting that allows for hands-on learning. Companies that have presented at the Editors’ Lounge over the years include Avid, Apple, Adobe, Sony, and Blackmagic Design, just to name a few.  

AlphaDogs recently produced two videos about the importance of color correction and Curren has been on a personal crusade to raise awareness on the subject. His goal is to explain exactly what a colorist does and the importance of hiring professionals for film and television projects. 

“As a colorist, I am constantly shocked by the poor and sometimes complete lack of color correction on so many TV shows,” he notes. “If the average consumer could see how good those shows could look, they would demand better quality content. With these educational videos, I hope to begin the long process of educating our clients and consumers in the hope that they will demand professional work going forward.”