SMPTE to merge with HPA
June 20, 2014

SMPTE to merge with HPA

WHITE PLAINS, NY — The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) has entered into a new partnership with the Hollywood Post Alliance (HPA). SMPTE ( is a leader in motion-imaging standards and education. The HPA ( serves the pro community of businesses and individuals who provide expertise, support, tools, and infrastructure for the creation and finishing of motion pictures, television, commercials, digital media, and other dynamic media content. The new partnership will begin with SMPTE providing administrative support to the HPA, and will culminate in a merger of the two organizations by May 2015.

"HPA is known not only for its unique brand identity, but also for facilitating open dialog among all disciplines in the entertainment industry," explains Wendy Aylsworth, president of SMPTE. "Complementing SMPTE's work in standards and education, these qualities will enrich the experience of SMPTE members worldwide, giving them the opportunity to engage in more frequent dialogue with nontechnical and supporting industry professionals. For these and many other reasons, we look forward to extending the HPA brand to a broader global audience."

"With this partnership, HPA and SMPTE strengthen our collaborative work in addressing how our communities plan for the future of technology and the creative process," adds Leon Silverman, HPA board president. "For HPA, a closer relationship with SMPTE is also valuable in that it will enable our organization to extend the reach of our content and our work to a global audience beyond Hollywood."