BURBANK — Intelligent Assistance isn’t waiting for the Workflow/XML SDK for Apple’s Final Cut Pro X to be released. The company has introduced Event Manager X, which is designed to work with the new version of Final Cut Pro X, managing the visibility and tracking of Events and Projects.
“By default, Final Cut Pro X shows all mounted Events and Projects, which may not always be what you want if you work with multiple clients,” explains Philip Hodgetts, CEO of Assisted Editing’s parent company Intelligent Assistance. “But beyond automating what you can do manually with Event or Project hiding, Event Manager X tracks Events and Projects that are not mounted, so you can be sure that all necessary material is available.”
Event Manager X is available via
www.AssistedEditing.com/EventManagerX, and is priced at just $4.99. The tool will be submitted to Apple’s Mac App Store within the coming weeks.