The studio produced live action and motion capture footage for the instructional app, and also coordinated animated video segments. In addition, Buttons handled audio and video editorial and finishing.
Buttons owner/chief engineer Rich Macar performed the music editing and complete audio post using Digidesign Pro Tools. “We’re spreading our wings,” says of the business. “We’ve migrated to become a production company, a one-roof shop where we can do full production packages. Even though our core business is in my expertise with audio, it’s still a good idea from a business perspective to expand your skill set to include production packages. I think that works for certain clients.”
Buttons produced nearly 60 videos for the app, many of them live action shot against greenscreen. “Then, I had the idea to do motion capture, so that we could have an animated version of some of the files as well,” Macar explains. The videos are combined with graphics, photographs, text, and commentary, and feature students from the Yip Pui Wing Chun Martial Arts Center in New York.
In addition to the Pro Tools set up, Buttons has four Final Cut Pro systems connected to central storage. Paul Levin edited the video segments in-house. The studio is also involved in the marketing of the Wing Chun Masters app and produced the trailer for it as well as contributed to its Website.