Distributed by City Lights Pictures, the film was produced and directed by Stephen Higgins and Nina Gilden Seavey. Scott Dunklee and Kristie Nova served as executive producers, and Christopher Jenkins and James Morton-Haworth were directors of photography.
HD production began in 2003 and included shoots in both Spain and Peru. Team provided editorial and color correction services for the feature using Quantel gear to complete the project. The studio's Ian Rummer cut the project, as well as handled online and color correction.
"In a film like this, the color correction becomes as important as the editorial," says producer/co-director Nina Gilden Seavey. "The colors are paramount for something as iconic as a bullfight and the look of that and the feel and the shifting light — you need an extremely experienced colorist and a system that can do the project justice."
Rummer used a Quantel eQ and its QColor to finish the job. The eQ allowed him to work with multiple formats. While the primary source was HDCAM 23.98PsF material, other elements included HD 29.97i sources, NTSC, PAL, photos and QuickTime movies.
Color correction was challenging because of the rapidly-changing light. Bullfights begin at 5pm, and the lighting is constantly changing. Maintaining continuity was also a challenge as long fights were condensed into just a couple of minutes. To deal with this, Rummer created a balanced contrast that emphasized the detail in the shadows while protecting brighter areas.
Sound design and mixing for The Matador was handled by Scott Rhame. John Califra composed and orchestrated the film's score.