March 19, 2008


The partnership compliments the Boris FX and Media 100 effects and editing workflows by allowing users to quickly create original, royalty-free, broadcast-quality soundtracks. Abaltat benefits by tapping into Boris FX & Media 100’s strong North American distribution channel.

Muse ($495) is Abaltat’s flagship application and allows editors to design soundtracks that match their picture sequence. The tool offers royalty-free music and seamless integration into Media 100 editing solutions. Its MIDI export functionality allows users to import directly into Digidesign Pro Tools or Apple’s Logic applications. The tool also provides editors with a “first draft” of a composition, which they can use as a guide track and further refine at a later time in the post process.

Abaltat Express ($230) is designed for users of Apple’s GarageBand or Logic applications and allows editors to create professional soundtracks while using the audio engine and sounds that are native to standard desktops systems. The results can be exported to any software that supports the standard MIDI file format.

And Abaltat Beat ($75) automatically calculates the best rhythmical fit for a video by analyzing the EDL. The resulting “best fit” is played by Abaltat Beat as a MIDI drum track and is expressed in beats per minute. The speed of the drum track, as well as time signatures, can be adjusted.