LOS ANGELES - The Previsualization Society (www.previssociety.com), a new non-profit, interdisciplinary organization that’s dedicated to the advancement of previsualization, officially launched ...
September 30, 2009
NEW YORK - Piranha Design is partnering with Fluid NYC (www.fluidny.com) to provide the studio and its clients with further design and 3D services. Fluid specializes in editorial, original music and v ...
September 29, 2009
BURBANK, CA - Azcar Technologies has acquired a controlling interest in Matchframe Video, LLC, (www.matchframevideo.com) the full-service media company that serves the motion picture, television and m ...
MACAO, CHINA - The Macao, China International Digital Cinema Festival and Entertainment Technology Expo (www.createasphere.com/china) is set to take place December 3-5, 2009. The event is being produc ...
September 28, 2009
LOS ANGELES - Zoic Studios' executive creative director/VFX supervisor Andrew Orloff will be a featured speaker at Motion09 (www.motionconference.com), scheduled to take place October 11-14, 2009. Mot ...
RALEIGH, NC – Blazing Music+Sound (www.blazingmusicsound.com), the audio division of Trailblazer Studios, has added a fourth audio suite in response to a growing audio-for-TV business. Audio D i ...
September 24, 2009
BURBANK, CA - At 6:30pm on Friday, September 25, The Editors' Lounge (www.editorslounge.com) will present "Sony XDCAM II: The Sequel." Attendees can see the latest updates to the XDCAM lineup and hear ...
SUN VALLEY, CA - Autodesk, Alt Systems and Post Magazine are teaming up to present an editorial roundtable that will look at the challenges of managing R3D media in post production workflows. The even ...
WASHINGTON, DC – Production and post house Interface Media Group, Inc. (www.interfacemedia.com), has acquired Virginia-based Alexandria Productions, Inc. Alexandria was founded by Joel Westbrook ...
GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN - Craft Animations’ (www.craftanimations.com) Craft Director Studio, a tool for easily creating natural motion paths, is now available to users of Autodesk’s Softimage s ...
September 23, 2009