RED launches a ROCKET

Posted By Mark L. Pederson on April 22, 2009 12:00 am | Permalink
It didn't happen on the show floor. It happened on the world wide web. Last night at midnight Jim Jannard, the owner of Red Digital Cinema announced RED ROCKET on the But it was well timed - being the night before the REDUSER NAB EVENT happening at the RIO hotel today.

R3D Decode, debayer and playback high quality REALTIME 4k at 30fps (or 5K at 25fps).

Will accelerate FCP, Premiere, After Effects, RED Alert!, REDCINE, REDrushes or any application using the REDCODE SDK.

PCI-Express, Output interfaces will include Quad-DVI and Quad-HD-SDI. Works with Mac, PC and Linux.

Under $5k.

This is the same technology that DVS is showing at the show on their Clipster system. What this means is that 4K realtime from small files is an affordable reality. This also means that almost any third-party post tool can become 4K enabled.

Exciting, game-changing stuff from the company that annouced a product that did not exist at NAB 2006.

I'll post some video tomorrow AM from the event here.