Assimilate ships Scratch V.7
November 23, 2012

Assimilate ships Scratch V.7

SANTA CLARA, CA — DI solutions provider Assimilate ( is now shipping the next generation of its Scratch and Scratch Lab products. Version 7 features a powerful new suite of enhanced 3D compositing tools that integrate seamlessly into the color grading, data management and finishing system. 

The new release is equipped with tools to enable creative DI, including an expanded compositing toolset with a new 3D camera model, featuring an improved OFX plug-in environment and plug-in workflow. The release offers full-peer interactivity between its features and critical VFX plug-ins, such as Sapphire, Neat Video, ReelSmart Motion Blur, Beauty Box, and Mocha Pro. Users can now nest layers and apply color grades to groups of layers. And new rendering features have been added, including directional and motion blur, multi-sampling, and bit-map filtering.

Flexible viewing options allow content to be displayed in a more intuitive manner. Native camera support has also been extended to include the Phantom Miro, Canon C500 and C300, Black Magic Cinema Camera, the latest Arri debayer algorithm, Sony’s F55 and F65 native high frame rates, and the Red 5K. Scratch V.7 includes full support for the entire ACES specification, including the file format, color space, and device and rendering transforms.

For advanced dailies workflows, a number of improvements have been made for organizing media, as well as for managing metadata and timecode. And audio sync tools allow for multiple ways to sync audio, even if timecode is wrong or missing.

Pricing for Version 7 remains unchanged at $20,995 for Scratch and $5,990 for Scratch Lab. Both prices include first year’s maintenance and support. A site license subscription is also available for $33,000 annually.