February 23, 2009


Craft Director Tools use research in high-end artificial intelligence and autonomous control systems to condense the traditional animation processes, particularly for vehicles. By eliminating tasks such as key framing and scripting, Director Tools provide artists with more time for the creative processes. In addition to reducing time for animation, the tool can create natural motion paths, and can take advantage of input devices such as gamepads, joysticks, keyboards, Wacom boards and 6DOF controllers.

The University of Southern California (USC) School of Cinematic Arts (www.cinema.usc.edu) is the latest adopter of this new program. As part of the Academic Partner Program, USC will receive
free licenses for Craft Director Tools to aide with relevant coursework; early access to select upcoming 3D technology from Craft Animations; and the opportunity to provide strategic input that will influence future developments. Craft will also provide technical and supervisory support for select academic projects.
The number of academic partner schools will initially be limited.
Educational institutions wishing to enroll or find out more information about the Craft Animations Academic Partner Program should contact Lou Badju at Craft Animations (lou.badju@craftanimations.com).